One of the hardest things for me to face is when does this nightmare end?
Winston Churchill said, "If you're going through hell, keep going."
OK. Somehow, tonight - those words resonated with me.
I have been fighting all week with negative thoughts and ideas and junk that just occurs to my mind.
But what do I do?
I remember one of my favorite things: "Never complete a negative thought."
It really does help. Don't entertain negatives. The negatives are poison, to me anyway, for sure.
I have been going through hell for a while.
It doesn't matter the particulars: fill in your own personal hell. Whatever it is, it hurts. It's hurt for some time now. It seems like it will never end.
I know.
I know how you feel.
I know how endless the journey feels.
I know.
I know.
"If you're going through hell, keep going."
That's the best I can do for you.
But I think it it the best for you, too.
Don't stop. Don't give in. Don't give out. Don't quit - please, please, PLEASE, don't quit.
Don't stop. Don't quit. At the end of this horrific journey lies the good stuff, the fruition of your labor.
I know how you want to quit. I know, you think no one knows how you feel. I know it seems like it has been for ever. FOR EVER. I know. I KNOW.
But don't stop, don't quit, don't give in, and don't give out.
Keep on. Keep going.
At the end iS YOUR rainbow.
Don't. Please, don't. You have SO much to give, so much to offer, so much love to add to this love-starved world.
Keep going. Keep on.
Go. Go. GO!
I don't know you.
I can only encourage you to keep on going. Keep on the path to the things you see, those things that you envision.
Thursday, October 02, 2008
When Does It End?
Posted by
11:40 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Some Truths are just so Obvious
...Still, a man hears what he wants to hear...
and disregards the rest...
I can say no more...
Simon and Garfunkle, The Boxer.
Posted by
1:23 AM
Friday, March 28, 2008
Solitary Dream Just Now
I had a dream, just now.
And I was with...someone, I don't know who.
But she was pretty, and I felt so familiar with her
Like an old shoe, or a comfy blanket.
I was in a crowd of many friends, and we were having a wonderful time and she was sitting to my left in a car - a station wagon - who has one of those anymore?
And I shared barbs and jabs in jest with our carmates, and then I looked over at this girl,
Just vaguely looking familiar, but feeling like someone I have known forever.
I lay my left arm over her body, and she hugged it.
I wonder - what is her name?
I buried my face in the right side of hers, her hair was blond, and I don't like blonds.
But I buried my face in hers, conscious of her hair and her beauty, the softness of her features, the softness of her skin, and feeling her affection for me.
I nearly kissed that right side of the beautiful face, and I was making that "Mmmmmm" sound that I make when I hold someone I love near.
I nearly kissed her, but I instead I woke up.
I don't know this gal - don't know her at all.
She's not real. She will never be.
And I miss her.
Posted by
1:23 AM
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Creative Problem Solving
Do you have a problem?
Does it seem like it just won't go away?
Perhaps a little more creativity is all that is needed.
Let me explain.
Thomas Edison has been credited with inventing the first half of the twentieth century. And certainly one of his greatest inventions was the incandescent electric light bulb.
But Edison takes no credit for making the light bulb available to the world.
He was simply an inventor. Edison's bulb did not burn for long; it gave off little light and it was too expensive.
A man named William David Coolidge spent seven years improving the light bulb to make it more practical. Largely because of his work, electric light eventually came into common use. When Coolidge finally succeeded in his efforts, he was questioned about how he was able to make tungsten work. He said, "It was because I was not a metallurgist. Had I been a metallurgist, I would have known that the task was impossible."
Henry Ford, too, built his success largely on his ability to "think outside the box." He used to say that he was looking to employ a lot of people "who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done."
Sometimes, unconventional thinking and a belief that anything is possible are required to solve problems.
You may not be setting out to build a huge company or market a new invention, but you still face difficult problems that beg for creativity.
Perhaps you are worried about financing an education.
Or you are caring for a loved one with a long-term illness.
Or maybe you simply cannot seem to get along with that difficult person you work alongside everyday.
These problems, and countless others, just don't seem to go away.
Most of us struggle with similar "impossible"situations. If your problem seems impossible, then your usual thinking is probably not working.
How can you look at your situation differently?
Who can help you consider other solutions and will never tell you that it can't be done?
And most important, what would you do if you believed that anything were possible?
You may not have succeeded yet because you have become discouraged searching for a solution to your problem.
Or perhaps you are not convinced that an answer can be found, somehow...somewhere.
But a creative and wonderful solution might be just ahead.
Look in a different direction. Find it!
You can if you believe it is there and if you believe it can be found.
Today, what would happen if you approached your problem in a new way?
Do you want to find out?
-- Steve Goodier
Thanks to Steve Goodier - re-posted from http://www.lifesupportsysem.com/
Posted by
9:17 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Law of Annoyment
An eternal mystery...
How is it, that annoying things can happen - seemingly random things that should be by chance - but they seem to happen with amazing regularity...
Let me explain.
This happens almost every time I use the iron -I know, a single guy using an iron, surely this is an anomalie - that's another story for another post - inevitably the cord will wrap around the legs of the ironing board and the plug will stick, such that I have to bend over and untangle it. Happens every time I want to make quick work of wrapping up the iron cord. And it makes me mad!
But when I have tried to do get it to do that on purpose it won't do it. If I were dangling from a third floor window, and somehow managed to grab hold of the iron cord and tried to wrap it around the legs of the nearest ironing board and thereby pull myself to safety I might as well forget it. I'd never get it.
But when I'm in a hurry, tired and trying to get that tedious job finally over with it will get stuck every time.
Note that this phenomenon is related to similar happenings: toast always falling jelly-side down and only slopping spaghetti sauce on your shirt when you're wearing a white one for the job interview.
It's unfair and not funny, no matter how funny the universe may think it to be. Ha ha.
It's the Law of Annoyment*:
Actions that you can't reproduce on demand to save your life will always happen at the worst times.
I hate that.
*Yeah. It's not a word. I know, ok?
Posted by
1:51 AM